At the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology N 2 on September 2, 2020, with the help of the ZOOM program, a “Lesson of Independence” was held. At the head of the head of the department prof. Nazhmutdinova D.K. and the staff of the department congratulated the students on the first academic day of the academic year, the students were also familiarized with the professors – teaching staff of the department and the educational process of our cycle.
Responsible for spiritual and educational work, senior teacher Shodieva Kh.T. students of 603, 604 medical faculties, 601 medical and pedagogical faculties and a senior teacher responsible for the educational process of OMH Mamadalieva U.P. students of ОМХ 202, 203 groups had a “Lesson of Independence” under the motto “You are a source of strength, a place of happiness, my dear Uzbekistan!” During the lesson, listeners were informed about the rich history of Uzbekistan, its historical path, ongoing reforms in all spheres, measures taken by the President in connection with the celebration of the 29th anniversary of independence. The speakers answered the students’ questions.