“Followers of Avicenna” good luck!

On April 22, 2021, the International Olympiad of Students of Medical and Pharmaceutical Universities “Followers of Avicenna”was held at the Tashkent Medical Academy. After the grand opening of the event, the rector of the Tashkent Medical Academy, A. K. Shadmanov, made speeches by the rectors of the Stavropol Medical Institute, the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, the rector of the Korean Medical Institute and the vice-rectors of international universities.

At 12.30 the cathedral stage of the Olympiad began. The cathedral stage was opened by the chairman and head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 2, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Najmutdinova Dilbar Kamariddinova, welcoming everyone, congratulated them on the event and explained the progress of the stages of the International Olympiad. Introduced to the members of the jury: Prof.Asymbekova G. U., from the Kyrgyz-Russian-Slavic University, Associate Professor Spiridonov D. S., from the RNIMU named after N. I. Pirogova, associate professor Tuksanova D. I., from the Bukhara Medical Institute, associate professor Atakhodzhayeva F. A., from the Tashkent Medical Academy, associate Professor Shavazi N. N., from the Samarkand Medical Institute, Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant Navruzova R. S., from the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, assistant Bekmuradova Z. T., from the Medical Institute of Karakalpakstan, assistant Mamazhanova S. O., from the Andijan Medical Institute.

A total of 13 participants from the following medical institutes were registered: KRSU-2, Pirogov RNIMU-2, MIK-1, BUKHMI-2, AndMI-2, SamMI-1, TashPMI-1, TMA-2.

Of the registered students, all 13 participants participated in the PET testing, and after the 1st round, all 13 participants passed the testing for the 2nd round.

All students went to the 3rd round. Students solved complex situational problems in obstetrics and gynecology in 3 minutes, answered blitz questions on the task.

ФИО участника Название Вуза Тест Ситуационная задача и Блиц вопрос Практический навык Сумма Итоговый балл
1. Керимкулова Азмира Азаматовна Кыргызско-Российский Славянский Универститет 81 80,3 76 237,3 79,1
2. Алмарданова Зарина Гулмуродовна Ташкентская Медицинская Академия 88 76,9 56,4 221,3 74
3. Шахгильдян Любовь Дмитриевна РНИМУ им. Н.И. Пирогова 59 78 79 213,6 72
4. Мирбеков Эргеш Кыргызско-Российский Славянский Универститет 65 63,9 84,5 213,4 71,1
5. Саломов Элдор Насритдинович Ташкентская Медицинская Академия 73 55,1 76,5 204,6 68,2
6. Шопулотова Зарина Абдумуминовна кизи Самаркандский государственный медицинский институт 64 70,6 61,4 196 65,3
7. Айнутдинова (Маманазарова) Нодирахон Андижанский государственный медицинский институт 61 64,5 64,62 190,13 63,4
8. Мелентьева Елизавета Александровна РНИМУ имени Н.И. Пирогова 58 69,5 52,5 180 60
9. Халикова Нигина Равшановна Бухарский Медицинский Университет 56 61,6 51,4 169 56,3
10. Бекмурадова Орзигул Камол кизи Бухарский Медицинский Университет 50 69,9 46 165,9 55,3
11. Киясова Патпа Икласовна Каракалпакский Медицинский Университет 42 57 41,4 140,4 46,8
12. Жумашова Севара Давлатёр кизи Ташкентский педиатрический медицинский институт 49 0 0 49 16,3

So, we decided to assign 1-places: Azmira Azamatovna Kerimkulova from the Kyrgyz-Russian-Slavic University, 2-places:Almardanova Zarina Gulmurodovna from the Tashkent Medical Academy, and 3rd place: Shakhgildyan Lyubov Dmitrievneiz RNIMU named after N. I. Pirogov.


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