In order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of Order PK-4847, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the future of the public administration system in the health sector” n., Professor, D.K. in the “Assembly hall” of our department an international online seminar was held. The online webinar, organized in cooperation with leading specialists of the Russian Federation, touched upon the most pressing topics of gynecology. The first part of the webinar was conducted by the head of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, Neonatology and Reproductology of the First Saint Petersburg State Medical University named after I.I. Academician I. Pavlova R.F., scientific adviser, MD, prof. Bezhenar Vitaly Fedorovich on the topic “Problems of pelvic pain in modern gynecology.” The report covered the pathogenesis, modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis. The second part of our online webinar moderated by Prof. Dr. med. Magzumova N.M. and listened to the report of Professor of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine of the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Solovieva Alina Viktorovna on the topic “Disorders of the menstrual cycle.”

Teams of departments, masters, clinical residents, and resident doctors took an active part in the online seminar. At the end of the webinar, the speakers answered the participants’ questions.

To conduct online webinars with our foreign colleagues, the following webinars were discussed, invitations to the offline section for the IX Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, scheduled for 2021. Our scientific and practical webinar included information about modern international guidelines and the production of a huge impression on all of us.

Онлайн вебинарда кафедрамиз жамоаси, магистралар, клиник ординаторлар, шифокор – ординаторлар фаол қатнашиб, маърузанинг назарий қисмидан кейин бир неча клиник ҳолатларни ташҳислаш ва даволаш тактикасини ишлаб чиқиш билан амалий мустаҳкамланди. Вебинар сўнгида иштирокчилар томонидан берилган саволларга маърузачилар томонидан жавоб берилди.


Онлайн вебинар якунида чет эллик ҳамкасбларимиз билан кейинги ҳамкор вебинарлар, 2021 йилда ўтказилиши режалаштирилаётган IX Акушер – гинекологлар Съездида офлайн тарзда қатнашиш учун таклиф – мулоҳазалар киритилди. Ўтказилган илмий – амалий вебинаримиз замонавий Халқаро гайдлайнслар маълумотларини ўз ичига жамлаган бўлиб, барчамизда катта тааъсурот қолдирди.

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